- #Protoss in lab quotes starcraft 2 campaign Patch#
- #Protoss in lab quotes starcraft 2 campaign full#
Fenix guesses that someone might have embellished the stories a bit, because no single protoss can be that badass.
To wit, said stories are all about ridiculously improbable feats he supposedly pulled off. "So many stories Artanis, each more unbelievable than the last." He will rattle off stories he found in the archive, as if he was reading the news. In an epic Stop Poking Me! fashion, after the first Ulnar Mission, (Temple of Unification), go to the solar core and click on Fenix. Cue the Tauren Marine's outhouse from Wings Of Liberty pulling a nuclear crash at the east of your base! Put it back to its original place and make it go Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right (Yeah, it's the Konami Code). #Protoss in lab quotes starcraft 2 campaign full#
Another Easter Egg is in the mission "Templar's Charge", once you've unlocked the full mobility of the platform your base is on.
#Protoss in lab quotes starcraft 2 campaign Patch#
At one point, the easter egg was removed patch 4.7.0 restored them. There are a few that have "no dancing detected" though (Though there are some smaller beings hiding behind one bigger one) and even one that has "friendly dancing detected". This only appears on missions accessed via the Spear of Adun. An Easter Egg was accessible during the mission briefing by double clicking the "hostile forces detected display (furthest right around the planet) which results in the display changing to "hostile dancing ahead" with either 3 marines shooting off their weapons and dancing, an ultralisk and two zerglings dancing, or A high templar dancing with two probes providing "spotlights".The more common way to play this mission is mass Void Rays. One of the tips given before the final mission is "The most powerful army is made of a variety of units that can cover each other's weaknesses", suggesting using a variety of units.
There's something inherently amusing about a 50 foot tall Humongous Mecha indulging a bit of curiosity. When you are in the War Council, every once in a while one will wander by, stop, and take an apparent interest in you as it stops and shines a headlight on the main council members.
After you unlock Colossi, they can be seen wandering through the ship. "I feel like destroying something beautiful. The rogue Purifier Warden talked in the same articulated manner used by another Rogue AI. Must have been a relief to finally get that weight off her neck. Rohana severing herself from the Khala is meant to be dramatic and tragic, but as her nerve cords are attached to an enormous and elaborate headdress, seeing the entire thing drop off her head and crash to the floor with a loud clang bears some Narm. Really, the idea of an ancient Protoss having been kept in stasis for centuries acting like a Racist Grandma is funny in itself, with her hailing back from the time before they made peace with the Terrans and Dark Templar and her struggling to get on with the times. the Medic), but with Rohana taking it too seriously, it and several other conversations make her sound generally like a Racist Grandma. This could be a Call-Back to the Stop Poking Me! quotes by Terrans regarding the Protoss lacking mouths (i.e. Rohana found the terrans to be "lesser beings" because of - among other things - communicating through "orifices - mouths". There's something darkly funny about Arcturus's death being celebrated as a holiday, with his son taking part in the festivities as well. At the Moebius base, Karax's reaction to Artanis assigning him command duty over the mission is priceless - not to mention Alarak's Death Glare as the rest walk away. You have to wonder, how exactly did he survive being trampled by a pack of Ultralisks? Extra humor in that this is implied to be the same guy from Heart of the Swarm. forever.Oh man, my car! Why does this keep happening?! You will never find them all before they awaken. For I have seeded the Hybrid on many, many worlds. You can destroy all of the specimens here. As is your inablility to comprehend the greater scheme of things. Your violence, young prodigal, is typical. Its role in the cosmic order was preordained when the stars were young. This creature is the completion of a cycle. Have you any conception of what you've created here? Do you have any idea what this. And is reflected in the creature within that cell. A power that has slept for countless ages. If you are not her pawn, then what are you? Although her rebirth into the Zerg Swarm has sped up my progress, I can assure you that this endeavor is quite beyond her narrow understanding. Young Kerrigan could not have engineered this grand experiment.
Kerrigan's consort! Is this part of her twisted schemes? I've had many names throughout the millennia, young prodigal.